Welcome to ‘PlanetBlue’, a forum for Climate change and Sustainable development!
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is Sustainable development. It is the only option for the continuous existence of humans in the Earth. To move towards it, all of us are working in different approaches which are unique, but highly disconnected from each other. Government institutions, NGOs, Corporate, Individuals and Communities invest huge resources towards social, economical and ecological development. But, What is the end result we see?
An Individual or a community is

More than everything, we have lost quality in our basic requirements such as food, water, energy and environment and more importantly we have lost human values which leads to just survival and not living.
Grassroot level solutions for Sustainable development!
How did we all work so far?
We see the existing problems in our own way. Whatever we think is important, we work on that! Few of us work in Education, few in Child health, few in Women development, few in HIV, TB, Cancer, few in SHGs, few in Poverty eradication, few in Agriculture, Environment and Water. After working for the last sixty years in India, all our efforts looks isolated and scattered. Do we really have a holistic approach in identifying and solving problems?
What is the real cause of all problems?
We miss to see the actual cause of the problems we face. All our efforts go in vain as we continuously work on the effects of the problem instead of addressing the cause of the problem.
As many researchers say, we also see, Globalisation as the real cause of all the problems we face. Connection between the unhappy individual and effects of globalization should be depicted for better understanding.
Further probing the real cause of problems leads us to a different level and the core problem for all is the lack of understanding in human consciousness. From top soil loss to climate change, from violence in family to war between countries, from poverty to over consumption, all originate from this real cause.
Approach to Solutions
As we see large volume of problems in all directions, the volume of solutions needed is also large. With the right understanding of the real cause of problems, we will be able to derive better solutions.
The need for ‘PlanetBlue’, a forum for sustainable development, begins here! Local food, local livelihoods, circular economy, self reliance, self sufficiency and lot more will be introduced to all the stakeholders so that more individuals, institutions, NGOs, corporate and Government departments include sustainability in their process or come in to this sustainable development industry to create wider impact touching more lives.
We should create a conducive situation to move towards better understanding in human consciousness. We should arrive at solutions where everyone is benefitting in every way with total justice.
At present, what should be our priority? As global warming is rapidly increasing, it is high time we together put all our efforts in saving our environment and humans. Without having a good environment to live in, we cannot do anything at all. Hence, Climate change adaptation and mitigation will be imparted mostly in all the solutions we design.
Plan for implementation
We see two primary ways of implementation.
First is to work on the inclusion of sustainability in the process of Stakeholders’ entities. Based on the flexibility of the entity, we can include as many sustainability choices as possible.
Second is to bring in more people to the sustainable development industry so that large volume of problems can be addressed.
Lot of potential in the country, all that our people need is an opportunity and proper guidance.
Bring people to Sustainable Development
We offer following support to bring in more people to the sustainable development industry in India.

Skill Training

Academic Choices

Setting up a new Social Enterprise? or already established and want support to strengthen your organisation?
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To meet the large number of problems, we will have a new fleet providing large number of solutions. There will be a lot of newcomers in the sustainable development industry in the form of: